Hannington Wick Road


24th March 2023

An update on the damage and closure of the road to Hannington has been received today from Gloucestershire Highways -

Please find below a brief summary of the proposed works and situation of the road to Hannington Wick:

The road has 2 pairs and 2 single culverts, all of which are in need of replacing.

A High-Voltage cable has been exposed due to the failure of the headwalls.

The replacement work will involve the moving and relocation of the HV cable by the Electrical Company. We will dig out all the existing stone culverts through the road surface and replace them with precast concrete culverts, then rebuild the headwalls, parapets and railings.

The work will be delivered in the summer when water levels are low, it is expected to take up to 20 weeks to deliver. We will not have an exact start date until the design is completed.

It is GCC’s assessment that we are not able to open this road up to traffic, even on a temporary, restricted and limited basis, until the repairs have been completed in their entirety. I appreciate that this is inconvenient for you, however I am sure you appreciate and agree that safety must come first.

Please see the following message received from Gloucestershire Highways –

Due to serious erosion of the bank, we have taken the decision to close the Hannington Wick Road,

This may remain closed for a while until the water subsides and an inspection of the damage can be undertaken

Apologies to residents who will be affected by this.